  • 1 participants
  • 560 discussions

[CfP] ELS 2020, 13th European Lisp Symposium, April 27-28, Zurich
by Didier Verna
4 years, 5 months

Quickref 3.0 "The Alchemist" is released
by Didier Verna
4 years, 5 months

Declt 3.0 is released
by Didier Verna
4 years, 5 months

[Seminaire-LRDE] Mardi 1 octobre 2019: Edward A. Luke, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mississippi State University
by Edwin Carlinet
4 years, 7 months

New publication: ICFEM'19
by Renault Etienne
4 years, 9 months

New publication: Generic Emptiness Check for Fun and Profit (ATVA'19)
by Alexandre Duret-Lutz
4 years, 9 months

Spot 2.8 released
by Alexandre Duret-Lutz
4 years, 10 months

Séminaire des étudiants chercheurs du LRDE : Mardi 2 juillet 2019 à 13h - Amphi 2
by Daniela Becker
4 years, 10 months

Soutenance de thèse de Ludovic Le Frioux
by Ludovic Le Frioux
4 years, 10 months

Séminaire des étudiants chercheurs RDI : Lundi 1er juillet 2019 à 13h - Amphi Master
by Daniela Becker
4 years, 10 months
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