Olena-patches October 2011

  • 5 participants
  • 78 discussions

[Olena] #208: Fix dependencies of the HTML documentation generation?
by Olena Trac
11 years, 5 months

[Olena] #219: Add \internal in the documentation of internal code
by Olena Trac
11 years, 5 months

[Olena] #235: Support GraphicsMagick++ and drop support for ImageMagick++
by Olena Trac
11 years, 5 months

[Olena] #243: Missing user-provided default constructor
by Olena Trac
12 years, 5 months

[Olena] #239: Have Scribo be compatible with (also) Tesseract 3.0
by Olena Trac
12 years, 5 months

[Olena] #229: Have Olena's BuildBot generate GitStats information
by Olena Trac
12 years, 5 months

branch unstable/scribo updated: olena-2.0-11-g80d1599
by lazzara@lrde.epita.fr
12 years, 6 months

olena-2.0-11-g80d1599 mln/io/dicom/load.hh: Fix memory leak.
by Guillaume Lazzara
12 years, 6 months

branch wip-bench-milena created: last-svn-commit-559-g6f5a436
by git@lrde.epita.fr
12 years, 6 months

last-svn-commit-559-g6f5a436 apps/bench/list2table: Generate a shorter table.
by Roland Levillain
12 years, 6 months
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