Olena-patches September 2013

  • 5 participants
  • 103 discussions

olena: olena-2.0-789-g9c00054 Do not harcode OLN_PACKAGE_AUTHORS in Milena's mln/version.hh.in.
by Roland Levillain
10 years, 8 months

olena: olena-2.0-788-gb19aab2 Define PACKAGE_AUTHORS in configure.ac.
by Roland Levillain
10 years, 8 months

olena: olena-2.0-787-gfad39ca Stop generating milena/mln/version.hh in the build tree with configure.
by Roland Levillain
10 years, 8 months

olena: olena-2.0-786-g5158238 Generate Milena's mln/version.hh in the source tree.
by Roland Levillain
10 years, 8 months

[Olena] #262: Merge next-to-apply in next
by Olena Trac
10 years, 8 months

[Olena] #281: Repair the online Document Layout Analysis and Reconstruction demo
by Olena Trac
10 years, 8 months

olena: branch vtk-format deleted: last-svn-commit-209-g6629f93
by git@lrde.epita.fr
10 years, 8 months

olena: branch fixes updated: olena-2.0-785-gffd0699
by git@lrde.epita.fr
10 years, 8 months

olena: olena-2.0-804-g28316a4 Exercise the multi-scale Sauvola binarization with a TIFF image.
by Roland Levillain
10 years, 8 months

olena: olena-2.0-785-gffd0699 Remove an unnecessary #include from an example of the tutorial.
by Roland Levillain
10 years, 8 months
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